
View transitions: Handling aspect ratio changes
When folks ask me for help with view transition animations that "don't quite look right", it's usually because the content changes aspect ratio. Here's how to handle it.
Custom properties with defaults: 3+1 strategies
My preferred solution is what I call pseudo-private custom properties. You use a different property internally than the one you expose, which is set to the one you expose plus the fallback.
JavaScript Bloat in 2024
It’s not just about download sizes. I welcome high-speed internet as much as the next guy. But code — JavaScript — is something that your browser has to parse, keep in memory, execute. It’s not free. And these people talk about performance and battery life... Call me old-fashioned, but I firmly believe content should outweigh code size. If you are writing a blog post for 10K characters, you don’t need 1000× more JavaScript to render it.
An HTML Switch Control
Generally, we recommend using a switch when the end user understands the user interface element as a setting that is either “on” or “off”. A checkbox is well suited for when the end user would understand the element as something to be selected.
The quiet, pervasive devaluation of frontend
I keep noticing those of us in the frontend field being treated much the same as nurses, paralegals, and executive assistants. Our work is seen as important, certainly, but just not the same as, or as important as, the “real” work.

A simple CSS solution to select ranges of content
Did you know it's incredibly easy to select ranges of content with CSS? I recently used it on a video to place a whole bunch of images on a grid. I could have selected each individual one, but it's a lot easier to select ranges of content and get them on the rows or columns that you want.
Sponsored by Cloud Four
Thanks to Cloud Four for sponsoring this week’s newsletter! They solve complex responsive web design and development challenges for ecommerce, healthcare, fashion, B2B, SaaS, and nonprofit organizations.
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