
Dynamic Focus Zoom Effect with CSS @property
The dynamic focus zoom effect is created using CSS custom properties and a
mask. By updating these properties based on mouse movement, we simulate a spotlight effect that follows the cursor.
A Content List With Bulk Actions Using Ancient HTML and Modern CSS
You can edit individual items by tapping or clicking their row, or you can select adjacent checkboxes to perform bulk actions. By waiting to reveal those controls until a selection is made, we can design big, touch-friendly bulk action controls. Traditionally, that sort of thing requires JS. So it’s been fun to delivering prototypes with HTML and CSS alone.
Live CSS Colors: What You Can Safely Use
We’re not quite there yet, but the day is coming when all you’ll need for defining a fantastic color palette is a handful of base colors.
Three Approaches to the “&” (ampersand) Selector in CSS
is a powerful addition to CSS, allowing us to craft selectors without repetition and helping organization and understanding.
Optimizing The Critical Rendering Path
Shortening the critical rendering path can help your website load faster and provide a better user experience. Learn how to identify critical resources and how to optimize them.

Create a super fun "focus by negation" effect
Adam Argyle posted a cool looking effect on his blog recently. It's not exactly practical in it's final form, but the earlier stages of it could be useful, and there is a lot to learn in going all-in with it.
Sponsored by Cloud Four
Thanks to Cloud Four for sponsoring this week’s newsletter! They solve complex responsive web design and development challenges for ecommerce, healthcare, fashion, B2B, SaaS, and nonprofit organizations.
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