
How I organize CSS in large projects using UFOCSS: Naming Convention
The main purpose of CSS naming conventions is to make the CSS selectors as informative and readable as possible, but defining a convention is not really a piece of cake. Naming is by far one the most debated activities in computer science. We can definitely benefit of a naming convention that helps us to write maintainable and scalable code. On the contrary, poorly written CSS can quickly drive us crazy and turn into a nightmare.
How to Write Accessible JavaScript
While accessibility can be frustrating, you can set yourself, your team, and your client up for success by planning for accessibility from the beginning. Here are four techniques to save you time and trouble when building accessible JavaScript-enabled websites and applications.
Idle Until Urgent
After spending a lot of time thinking about this problem, I realized that the evaluation strategy I really wanted was one where my code would initially be deferred to idle periods but then run immediately as soon as it’s needed. In other words: idle-until-urgent.
Preventing a Grid Blowout
Chris Coyer presents a simple layout and talks about how CSS grid handles things when the grid contents are too big for the layout you've described.
The Way We Talk About CSS
There is frequently talk about how developers whose main area of expertise is CSS feel that their skills are underrated. I do not think we help our cause by talking about CSS as this whacky, quirky language. CSS is unlike anything else, because it exists to serve an environment that is unlike anything else.
Decoupling the Front-end with Modular CSS, by Julie Cameron
This talk will look at how taking a modular, object-oriented approach to CSS can turn frontend woes into frontend wins. We’ll examine modern CSS approaches like OOCSS, SMACSS, and BEM and demonstrate how they will help to not only decouple your CSS styles and reduce specificity conflicts, but how they will also help to decouple your CSS and HTML from your JavaScript and feature specs.