
How to Fold a DOM Node
In this post, we'll explore a technique we can use to "fold" a DOM node, like folding a letter in real-life. On that journey, we'll learn a lot about 3D transforms and CSS animation techniques!
Testing HTML With Modern CSS
There’s nothing wrong with using JavaScript to test JavaScript and there’s little wrong with using JavaScript to test HTML. But given the power of modern CSS selectors, it’s possible to test for most kinds of HTML pattern using CSS alone.
The Showy / Hidey Navigation Bar
That’s definitely the technical term for it. It’s that popular navbar pattern where the header disappears above the screen as you scroll down, affording you more content consumption space, but then, as if it were waiting just out of view for you, reappears upon the slightest scroll up.
The View Transitions API
What does that mean? It means you can have that “native” animation experience, right in the browser! But more specifically, currently you can use the View Transitions API: For transitions on normal page-to-page loading; For transitions on a single page application (SPA); For transitions of the DOM changes without a page change;
How Would You Build Wordle With Just HTML & CSS?
How would you attempt to build Wordle if you could only use HTML and CSS? Which features of that app would make more sense to build with JavaScript than with other technologies? And, can you imagine a change or addition to the HTML or CSS standard that could make any of those features more straight-forward to build?

New CSS Features to Deal With the Cascade & Specificity
Once you realize the power of the Cascade and what it can do, it can actually mean that you write a lot less CSS and more maintainable CSS, because it's actually a lot more flexible than people give it credit for. This video is sort of a crash course in modern approaches and strategies that we can use to make the cascade work for you instead of against you.
Sponsored by Cloud Four
Thanks to Cloud Four for sponsoring this week’s newsletter! They solve complex responsive web design and development challenges for ecommerce, healthcare, fashion, B2B, SaaS, and nonprofit organizations.
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