
Tailwind Marketing and Misinformation Engine
My guess: It's only a matter of time before Tailwind collapses. The vendor-specific language and the misleading communication cannot hold water very long. The utility soup produced today will eventually turn into a technical debt. The next generation looks back and asks: "You actually wrote that?" Learn to write clean HTML and CSS and stay relevant for years to come.
What is Utility-First CSS?
Utility-first CSS is exception-first CSS. And that’s not how exceptions work, in CSS or in general. …So what is Tailwind really? It’s just CSS with extra steps and a brand name. Then again, you can say that about most any CSS framework.
Write CSS. Not Too Much. Mostly Scoped.
So, yeah, Tailwind: it’s kinda pleasant, while occasionally being an extraordinary pain in the ass. Meanwhile, in the past couple years since Tailwind rolled around, I’d say writing CSS is now also kinda pleasant, and while it also can occasionally be a pain in the ass, it’s far less frequent than it used to be.
A Tailwind Post
In the end, the benefits of Tailwind kept vanishing, to a point where we still see a useful, but also very tiny subset of utilities that could work for us… After all this time experimenting and working with utilities, I see their appeal in quite a few places. But I also really see where they hit some hard limits. Tailwind isn't the hammer for all nails.
Tailwind vs Semantic CSS
This study compares two websites with identical design: the commercial Spotlight template from developers of Tailwind vs the same site with semantic CSS. The semantic version is 8× smaller, renders faster, and requires no JavaScript bundlers/tooling.

Is Tailwind Taking Over CSS? (and some other insights)
How do people feel about CSS in 2023? Has Tailwind just completely taken over everything and no one's really writing CSS anymore? And what new features are people actually using? Well, we're going to find out today by looking at the state of CSS 2023 results.