
Introducing Baseline
Baseline helps you to see, at a glance, whether a feature or API is safe to use in your site or web applications. In this post, learn about the ideas that led to this concept, and how we hope it will help you.
Add Opacity to an Existing Color
Say your brand color is the orange #f06d06. Now you need that color but with some opacity on it.
What's your problem with Tailwind?
Proponents of Tailwind argue that this way of authoring HTML is much easier and faster because you “never have to touch CSS.” I’ve built UIs like this! It is faster during the prototyping phase… And then there inevitably comes a time where I need to update the style. Now, instead of just making a single change on a single class in a CSS file, I make a dozen little changes across numerous HTML elements scattered across many pages.
The ongoing defence of frontend as a full-time job
Here’s the deal: a frontend developer isn’t a mediocre coder that only dabbles in “easy” languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A frontend developer is someone who made a conscious choice to build interfaces for the unknown with a laser sharp focus on the end user’s experience.
Getting VoiceOver to shut up
I give a lot of demos using VoiceOver, and most of the time it involves moving the VoiceOver cursor through an interface, interacting with items, and talking people through what I’m doing. Sometimes, when I need jump in and explain something, I have to wait for VoiceOver to finish talking. Or do I?

What's new in web UI
The web platform is evolving quickly, with UI features to improve developer experiences, create new responsive capabilities, and enable more accessible interface defaults. Get a high level overview of what you can get excited about in the UI space and look out for on the web platform for CSS and HTML.
Sponsored by Cloud Four
Thanks to Cloud Four for sponsoring this week’s newsletter! If you’d like to help with the costs of running Friday Front-End, you can back our Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.