
Introducing GitHub Actions
But actions are more than deploy and publish. That’s what’s so cool about them. They’re containers all the way down, so you could quite literally do pretty much anything — the possibilities are endless! You could use them to minify and concatenate CSS and JavaScript, send you information when people create issues in your repo, and more... the sky's the limit.
CSS Border-Radius Can Do That?
How to create very cool effects with a rarely used feature: When you use eight values specifying border-radius in CSS, you can create organic looking shapes.
Negative Grid Lines
Using negative grid lines allows us to place items relative to the end of the grid. This is especially useful if we have a large grid – it means we don’t have to work out the exact line number from the start, we could simply place it from the end.
Smart Bundling: How To Serve Legacy Code Only To Legacy Browsers
While effective bundling of resources on the web has received a great deal of mindshare in recent times, how we ship front-end resources to our users has remained pretty much the same. The average weight of JavaScript and style resources that a website ships with is rising — even though build tooling to optimize the website has never been better. With the marketshare of evergreen browsers rising fast and browsers launching support for new features in lockstep, is it time we rethink asset delivery for the modern web?
Why Using reduce() to Sequentially Resolve Promises Works
This is huge to understand because it probably goes against what you think is happening during this loop (at least, it did for me). When we use it to sequentially resolve promises, the
loop isn't actually slowing down at all. It’s completely synchronous, doing its normal thing as fast as it can, just like always.
Working with High Contrast Mode, by Eric Bailey
Accessibility is more than just making things work in a screen reader. This talk discusses Windows High Contrast Mode's capabilities and limitations, and how to best design and develop for it.