
Promises From The Ground Up
The “Promises” API is a surprisingly tricky part of modern JavaScript. Without the right context, it doesn’t make much sense at all! In this tutorial, you’ll build an intuition for how Promises work by getting a deeper understanding of JavaScript and its limitations.
How to Use Container Queries Now
Some developers say they want to use container queries now but think they can't because they still have to support older browsers. As you may have guessed from the title, we think it's possible for most developers to use container queries now—in production—even if you have to support older browsers. This post walks you through the approach we recommend to do that.
Feature Detect CSS @property Support
Today on Mastodon, Nils asked how to detect support for
. While in theory you could use@supports at-rule()
for this, in practice you can’t because it has no browser support. Thankfully, there’s a workaround … by trying to actively use registered custom properties and style things based on the outcome.
Script Integrity
When you link to any resource on a domain you don’t control, it’s a risk. It’s entirely possible that a resource you link to from a third-party disappears or changes. Worst case: changed maliciously, like we’ve seen here.
How People with Disabilities Use the Web
How do people who cannot move their arms use your website? What about people who cannot see well or at all? Or people who have difficulty hearing, or understanding, or have other disabilities?

Layout and Reading Order
We have a problem with CSS layout, in particular automatic methods such as the proposed CSS masonry. It is easy to disconnect the source order, used for tabbing and reading out the content, from the way things appear to be ordered in the layout. This talk shares a new proposal to fix this, currently being prototyped in Chrome.
Sponsored by Cloud Four
Thanks to Cloud Four for sponsoring this week’s newsletter! They solve complex responsive web design and development challenges for ecommerce, healthcare, fashion, B2B, SaaS, and nonprofit organizations.
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