Pokémon Cards CSS Holographic Effect
A collection of advanced CSS styles to create realistic-looking effects for the faces of Pokemon cards. The cards use 3d transforms, filters, blend modes, css gradients and interactions to provide a unique experience when taking a closer look!
Complex MPA View Transitions
Full page transitions are OK, but they also make a site feel like a PowerPoint. The only time I’m likely to use full page transitions is if I’m making a web-based slide deck. Even then, using only full page animations can feel flat. Animating multiple elements in an orchestrated way is a better way to use motion to create interesting effects. So, that’s what I’ve done. Let’s get into it.
It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks.
Exploring the reasons why we no longer have web designers. TLDR: At some point, we told design they couldn't sit with us anymore, and surprise! It backfired! Now, not only has the field and profession of web design suffered, but also, we build shitty websites.
Web Components Will Outlive Your JavaScript Framework
If we want that sort of longevity, we need to avoid dependencies that we don’t control and stick to standards that we know won’t break. If we want our work to be accessible in five or ten or even 20 years, we need to use the web with no layers in between. For all its warts, the web has become the most resilient, portable, future-proof computing platform we’ve ever created — at least, if we build with that in mind.
When to use CSS text-wrap: balance; vs text-wrap: pretty;
Use text-wrap: balance; on headings and subheadings. And use text-wrap: pretty; on paragraphs of text to get rid of orphans on the last line. Despite the Chromium-only support, these would be a good candidate for progressive enhancement.
Demystifying CSS Container Queries
CSS Container Queries promise even more powerful styling approaches, but… what the heck are they? How do they actually work? Miriam will teach us.