
State of CSS 2023 Survey Results
CSS is going through a period of unprecedented progress. Between
, container queries, subgrid, and many more, new features are making their way to browsers seemingly every month.
Case Study: Rebuilding TechCrunch layout with modern CSS
First, I will analyze the layout and think aloud with you about the decisions that the team made. Once that is finished, it will be the time to dive in and share my thoughts and ideas on how to approach the current design with modern CSS.
The New CSS Math: round()
In JavaScript we have
which takes one numeric parameter, and the result will be the nearest integer. So 1.4 rounds down to 1 because it is closer to 1 than 2. Similarly, 3.9 rounds up to 4 since that is the nearest integer. With CSS,round()
behaves similarly by default, except it takes two parameters. The first is the value you want to round, and the second is the precision number.
Creating custom easing effects in CSS animations using the linear() function
In this post, we'll compare different easing functions in CSS. The linear() function in CSS is a new easing function that gives us more control over crafting our animations. We'll explore how linear() function works and also look at some practical examples of where it can be used.
Let’s Make a Rubber Button With HTML, CSS and SVG
While I wasn’t looking, a rubber button I shared on CodePen was viewed more than 11,000 times (as of this writing). I thought it might be fun to break down how the effect works, including some accessibility and compatibility improvements over what I originally shared.

Why do I have layout shift?
In this episode we're shifting the topic to layout shift, that moment where you watch the page adapt to something lazily loaded which has impacted the layout in some way where you see content shift around.
Sponsored by Cloud Four
Thanks to Cloud Four for sponsoring this week’s newsletter! They solve complex responsive web design and development challenges for ecommerce, healthcare, fashion, B2B, SaaS, and nonprofit organizations.
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