
Recreating YouTube’s Ambient Mode Glow Effect
Discover with Adrian what’s behind the charming glow effect on Youtube and how you can use it to make your own videos more immersive. Deconstruct YouTube’s “Ambient Mode” feature and learn how HTML
and therequestAnimationFrame
function are used to create this glowing effect.
Core Web Vitals for Search Engine Optimisation: What Do We Need to Know?
Messaging from Google about its role in Search can seem somewhat unclear and, in places, even contradictory. In this post, I am going to distill everything that you actually need to know using fully referenced and cited Google sources.
Web Components Aren’t Components
Web components live in an awkward place: They provide a lot of the same functionality as framework components, but they are not a one-for-one replacement. The two provide a lot of the same benefits to the developer, but not all the same benefits.
Don’t wait, let’s use the browser Contact Picker API now
We’ll explain and demo the browser Contact Picker API. Contact Picker features have been ubiquitous in native mobile apps for a long time. Browser adoption has finally picked up enough and it’s time to implement these features there, too.
O dialog focus, where art thou?
When you click a button and call the
method to open a modal<dialog>
, where does the focus go by default, and how can you move it elsewhere? Don't know the answer? Neither did I, so I tested it.

Getting started with CSS nesting
Nesting has landed in native CSS, and with Firefox gaining support for it, it is now supported in all the major browsers! So let’s take a look at what nesting is, some of the gotcha’s with it, a little bit of how it differs from Sass nesting, and more.
Sponsored by Cloud Four
Thanks to Cloud Four for sponsoring this week’s newsletter! They solve complex responsive web design and development challenges for ecommerce, healthcare, fashion, B2B, SaaS, and nonprofit organizations.
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