Switch font color for different backgrounds with CSS
They faced a challenge: automatically adjusting the font color based on the selected background color of the container. If the background is dark, then it would be ideal to have a white text to keep it WCAG contrast compliant. But what happens if a light background color is selected instead? The text is both illegible and fails accessibility. They solved it with JavaScript. Here’s my pure CSS alternative.
Securing Web Sites Made Them Less Accessible
In 2018? Yes. In rural Uganda, where I was improvising an introduction to web development for a class of vocational students, that’s the reality. They can have a computer lab full of Dell desktops running Windows or rows of Raspberry Pis running Ubuntu or whatever setup there is, but when satellites in geosynchronous earth orbit are your only source of internet, you wait. And wait. And wait.
Sticky, Smooth, Active Nav
Here's a sidebar navigation bar that... 1) Uses sticky positioning. It stays on the screen when it can, but won't overlap the header, footer, or ever make any of it's links inaccessible. 2) Scrolls smoothly to the sections you click to. 3) Activates the current nav based on scroll position (it's a single page thing).
A Case for CSS Variables
Did you know that CSS has built-in support for variables via a module called custom properties? We’ll be taking a look at how these are used and how they differ from preprocessor variables, and how their flexability may give them a competitive edge in the near future.
Well-Controlled Scrolling with CSS Scroll Snap
CSS Scroll Snap feature allows web developers to create well-controlled scroll experiences by declaring scroll snapping positions. Paginated articles and image carousels are two commonly used examples of this. CSS Scroll Snap provides an easy to use and consistent API for building these popular UX patterns and Chrome is shipping a high fidelity and fast implementation of it in version 69.
Even More CSS Secrets, by Lea Verou
The premise is simple: Ten surprising yet practical things you didn’t know you could do in CSS, live-coded in Lea’s trademark interactive presentation style. This third installment of the series will include new juicy secrets related to CSS Variables, grid layout, variable fonts, blending modes, SVG, and many other things.