Why does the newsletter look different?
I'm trying a new tool out this week. It's called Curated, and I think it will save me a lot of time and effort over my process with TinyLetter.
Unfortunately Curated is not free. But they do offer a sponsorship feature. I'm not afraid to just eat the cost, but I thought I'd ask y'all what you think about the idea of a sponsored slot in the newsletter.
If you have any feedback on the new format or the idea of sponsorships, don't hesitate to drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you!
Prettier + Stylelint: Writing Very Clean CSS (Or, Keeping Clean Code is a Two-Tool Game)
Chris Coyer shares a one-two combo for clean code: Prettier (a tool to automatically fix easy-to-fix problems), and Stylelint (a tool to warn about harder-to-fix problems)
Naming Things In CSS Grid Layout
Rachel Andrew, the godmother of CSS Grid, takes an in-depth look at the various ways to name lines and areas in CSS Grid Layout, and some of the interesting possibilities this creates.
Breaking down CSS Box Shadow vs. Drop Shadow
Geoff Graham introduces the drop-shadow
CSS filter and the advantages and disadvantages it has over box-shadow
Mina Markham walks us through her new design system at Slack: "A redesign powered by CSS Grid and optimized for performance and accessibility."
Tabbed Interfaces
I've mentioned before how much I love Heydon Pickering's Inclusive Component series, and its emphasis on accessibility. So I'm pleased to share his latest article about building tabbed interfaces that everyone can use.
Solving layout problems with CSS Grid and friends
Rachel Andrew explains some of the common layout problems that CSS Grid and related specifications attempt to solve - while answering some of the common questions she is asked about Grid Layout.